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Trans Day of Remembrance 2020

Friday 20th November, 2020

Today is Trans Day of Remembrance 2020.

I've spent much of the last year preparing for today.

Researching, collating and sharing news reports about trans people we have lost to violence in its many forms. Raising awareness. Updating the tdor.translivesmatter.info website. Supporting others, and letting them support me.

It's been hard, but now it's finally over.

Last night we held a livestream #TDoR memorial service at Inclusive Community Church here in Bournemouth.


After reading all of the 432 names we had my voice feels a little hoarse now so Lemon & Ginger tea with honey is probably a good idea!

The Trans Day of Remembrance 2020 memorial service at Inclusive Community Church.

Unfortunately the killings and suicides don't ever stop, so the names we will be saying at TDoR 2021 are already starting to mount up.

But - at least for now - it's time to rest. Please be safe out there.

About The Author

Anna-Jayne Metcalfe is a software engineer who volunteers to help research, collate and share data on violence against trans people. This blogpost was originally published by Anna on her personal blog.

Posted by annajayne at 9:00pm | Get Link

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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