Bianca Clarke
Age 2329 Nov 1980
Raleigh, North Carolina (USA)
Beaten and shot
Bianca was found beaten around the facial area and shot in the head on a road in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The body of a 23-year-old Boylan Heights [woman] was found beaten and shot to death Saturday morning just outside the Raleigh city limits near U.S. 64 east.
The body of[deadname] M. Clarke of 410 Cutler St. was found by a group of target shooters lying next to Raleigh Beach Road around 11 a.m., said Capt. M.T. Munn of the Wake County Sheriff's Department.
Clarke had been beaten about the face and shot dur ing the early morning hours, Munn said.
Two brothers were charged in her death.