Julie Doe
Age 22-3525 Sep 1988
Clermont, Florida (USA)
Julie Doe was an unidentified transgender woman whose remains were found in Lake County, Florida (USA) on 25th September, 1988. Someone knows her name. Do you?
On 25 September 1988, a person looking for cypress wood in the Green Swamp area discovered the body of Julie Doe in the vicinity of Highway 474, four miles east of Highway 33 west of Orlando, FL — near the town of Clermont in Lake County.
Julie was white, age 22 to 35, about 5'10, 170 pounds, with naturally brown hair. She had on a blue-green tank top, acid-washed denim skirt (label Manisha), and pantyhose.
A 1988 autopsy indicated that Julie Doe had prior injuries consistent with a broken rib, cheekbone, and nose. The autopsy also mistakenly determined Julie was a cisgender woman who had previously given birth. Later DNA analysis determined the victim had an XY genotype and was a transgender woman.
Like Live Oak Doe (https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/1986/07/10/live-oak-doe_south-houston-texas-usa_e81861cd) and Pillar Point Doe (https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/1983/11/26/pillar-point-doe_half-moon-bay-san-mateo-california-usa_bead5399), Julie's death is not recorded by https://tdor.info in their archive records of transgender murder victims.