Tianna Langley
Age 191 Mar 1995
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)
TDoR list ref: tdor.info/1 Mar 1985/Tianna (Timothy) Langley
Tianna was shot once in the back of the head. The case remains unsolved.
[She] wore a stuffed bra and a scarf palled around [her] long wavy hair as [she] went out into the cold winter night.
[deadname] Langley, 19, didn't have a life plan. All [she] knew was [she] wanted to live as a woman, [her] friends said. So, on Feb. 28 [she] put on [her] makeup and went out as a woman [she] named Tianna.
The next day [her] fully clothed body was found sprawled on rocks in a remote area of Fairmount Park near Robin Hood Dell and Strawberry Mansion Bridge. Shot once in the back of the head, [she] had only condoms and $3 in [her] pocket.
Police said they have made no arrests and have no mumpects in the case. The violent death of Langley, who moved to the city just three weeks before [her] murder, hits hard a community of teenagers caught up in the fantasy and glamor of [trans] life
"These kids don't expect to live to see 30, said Tyrone Smith, executive director of Unity, a support group for black gay men. They go to a school system that can't under stand them. A place you are called a faggot and freak. A place where you have no peers. And Langley's death has been a wake-up call to Unity Smith's small-budget organization, whose primary focus in AlDS education and prevention, has become a gathering place for young [trans women]. He said Unity would step up outreach efforts targeting these "I want a facility where we can be with kids and work them through the coming-out process, Smith said.
Langley was buried March 8 in South Jersey. [Her] [LGBT+] friends were not invited and did not attend the funeral, they said. On March 25 Unity held a well-attended memorial service for [her].
Philadelphia Daily News, April 3, 1995