Shawn "Junior" Keegan
Age 1920 May 1996
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
TDoR list ref: May 1996/Shawn
Shawn and Deanna Wilkinson were shot in the back of the head with a .357 magnum filled with hollow-point bullets by Marcello Palma.
Marcello Palma, who hunted down and shot three prostitutes during a one-night killing spree that terrorized Toronto in May of 1996, was convicted yesterday of first-degree murder and imprisoned for life.
The married air-conditioning installer lost his five-year bid to be excused of criminal responsibility for the point-blank shootings on grounds of mental illness.
Mr. Palma, 34, nodded his head slightly and his eyes filled with tears when Mr. Justice David Watt of the Ontario Superior Court dismissed his alleged psychiatric symptoms as fake and declared that the killings were planned and deliberate executions.
Mr. Palma, he found, was motivated by rage over rejections by his wife and his mistress and took it out on a class of people he loathed and considered "scum" even though he was a frequent customer.