Vianna Faye Williams ("Felicia")
Age 3624 Dec 1997
Jersey City, New Jersey (USA)
TDoR list ref: Dec 1997/Vianna Faye Williams
Vianna suffered nine stab wounds to back, neck, and chest. The suspect was a 12-year-old boy.
"We believe Williams was dead at least two days prior to being found," said Chief Robert Martin of the Hudson County prosecutor's office. Williams, a 36 year-old Jamaica native, was two weeks from her appointment for sexual reassignment surgery.
Friends said that Ms. Williams, also known as Felicia, had worked as a police officer and a nurse in Jamaica. Since coming to the U.S. she had worked in a bank and as a professional dancer in Manhattan. She had also worked as a [sex worker] after she lost her job in the bank.
Neighbors of Williams expressed shock and dismay upon hearing of her murder. Said the owner of a hair salon nearby, "I can't believe somebody would do that to her. Nobody deserves that."