Jamaica Green
Age 3618 Aug 1998
New York (USA)
TDoR list ref: tdor.info/18 Aug 1998/Fitzroy "Jamaica" Green

Jamaica was stabbed multiple times by Eric Carolina.
Carolina was arrested after seeking medical treatment for injuries sustained during his attack on Jamaica.
A computer programmer who went to a Greenwich Village hospital for treatment of gashes shortly after a [person] was stabbed to death has been arrested in the Tuesday morning killing, the police said yesterday.
The programmer, Eric Carolina, 21, was picked up by detectives at his home at 115 West 197th Street in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx on Wednesday night after investigators learned that he had gone to St. Vincent's Hospital for treatment in the hours after the victim, [possible deadname] Green, 36, was killed in his Greenwich Village apartment.
The police said Mr. Carolina was arrested after discrepancies developed in his account of meeting [Jamaica] Green, whose body was found in [their] apartment on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Carolina has been charged with second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon, the police said. If convicted of the murder, he could face up to life in prison.
''We believe [Jamaica] Green had met Mr. Carolina in the early evening and had invited him back to [their] apartment where the murder took place,'' Police Commissioner Howard Safir said. Noting that the police had recovered the knife believed to have been used in the slaying, he said: ''It appears the suspect caused his own wounds during the struggle.''