TDoR 1999 / 1999 / June / 24 / Emmon Bodfish

Emmon Bodfish

Age 56

24 Jun 1999
Orinda, California (USA)

TDoR list ref: Jun 1999/Emmon Bodfish (aka Margaret Ingalls Bodfish)

Emmon Bodfish
Emmon Bodfish [photo:]

Emmon was bludgeoned to death with a blunt object. The following day his son was found dead by suicide.

Originally from Ohio, Emmon Bodfish was active in the Reformed Druids of North America. He produced the Druid Missal-Any Magazine 1983-1991, some of which was reprinted in A Reformed Druid Anthology, 2nd Edition, Volume 3: The Magazine Volume. At this time he corresponded with trans woman Tadhg MacCrossan, in the period before she wrote The Sacred Cauldron. His wisdom is still quoted on Druid sites.

As his prior identity, [deadname], Bodfish ran a pool maintenance and plumbing business, The Blue Lagoon. Later he worked as an investment advisor. He owned a simple home in the affluent Orinda area outside San Francisco. He also owned a town-house in Marin County. In the late nineties he was apparently isolated and depressed, and occasionally reverted to being a woman.

In June 1999 Emmon was found bludgeoned to death. The next day his son Max Wills was found, an apparent suicide in a Santa Monica hotel room. Max was known to have suffered from long term depression but was reluctant to kill himself while his mother was alive.

Later the police discovered a floor safe containing $60,000 in gold and coins. A drill had been found at the same spot but there was no sign that it was used to pry out the safe. In addition a police investigator apparently contracted Q fever in the Bodfish home.

Report added: 22 Dec 2018. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

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