Larry (Latisha) King
Age 1512 Feb 2008
Oxnard, California (USA)
TDoR list ref: Feb 2008/Lawrence King

Latisha was shot to death by a classmate because they were openly gay and wore women's clothing.
Larry was a gay, non-conforming teenager and Brandon was one of many students at E.O. Green who teased and taunted the teen because he wore dresses and makeup. Larry already had enough emotional baggage at home stemming from personal issues without the added stress of kids picking on him for being himself. Larry was homeless at the time of his murder, living in a foster care center after his foster family kicked him out of their home and filed charges against him for stealing food out of the refrigerator weeks earlier.
The foster care center helped Larry become more comfortable with himself. He began to wear dresses and makeup which led to other kids teasing and ridiculing him. They also bullied his younger brother, Rocky. Things became so bad, Assistant Principal Sue Parsons issued a statement to teachers regarding Larry King, although many felt it was a political move favoring Epstein.
Fed up with being bullied all day, every day at school with little recourse from teachers who felt him dressing in girl’s clothing was “distracting,” Larry decided to fight back.
Not physically, but with his own taunting and teasing. When boys in the locker room would tease him, Larry would respond by telling them he knew they wanted him, that they looked attractive or asking to sit at the lunch table with them. Some of the boys were so offended by Larry’s remarks, they reported it to the teacher!
A week and one-half before the murder, Larry asked to be called by the name Latisha.
A day or two before the shooting, King walked onto the basketball court in the middle of a game and in front of the team and a crowd of people and asked McInerney to be his Valentine. McInerey’s teammates immediately began to laugh and make fun of Brandon.
On February 11, King passed McInerney in a hallway and shouted out, “Love you baby.” A group of students laughed at McInerney as he became red-faced and angry. He was so angry, he attempted to recruit other kids to assault Larry. No one accepted the offer.
Still enraged, McInerney told Larry’s friend to tell him goodbye because “she would never see him again.”
On the morning of the shooting, February 12, McInerney stared King down during their computer laboratory class. At 8:15 a.m. he retrieved a .22 caliber revolver from his backpack and shot Larry twice in the back of the head. He tossed the gun on the floor and walked out of the classroom. Police caught him five blocks away.
Larry was rushed to St. John’s Regional Medical Center. On February 13, he was declared brain dead. His family kept him alive two additional days while they prepared his organs for donation.
McInerney’s was taken into custody. Hundreds of people in the community, including E.O. Green teachers, petitioned for McInerney to be tried as a juvenile rather than an adult.
His first trial began on July 5, 2011 and ended in mistrial on September 1, 2011. Prosecutors decided to try McInerey a second time, but this time, dropped an original hate crime charge against him. McInerey pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, and use of a firearm to avoid a trial. He was sentenced to 21-years in prison.
He is currently imprisoned at the Folsom Correctional Facility with a projected release date in 2025.