TDoR 2009 / 2009 / February / 18 / Name Unknown

Name Unknown

Age 25

18 Feb 2009
Franca, São Paulo (Brazil)
Cosmetic filler poisoning

Name Unknown

The victim died in hospital from a respiratory arrest after undergoing a cosmetic filler injection. Her identity is unknown.

The application of industrial silicone may have caused the death of a [trans woman] in Franca, 400 km from São Paulo, at dawn on Wednesday (18). She died in the Holy House of the city from a respiratory arrest brought on by a widespread infection.

According to the hospital's clinical report, the victim said that she applied the product to her own buttocks and that others had also used the substance.

The sectional delegate of France, Maury de Camargo Segui, opened an investigation to determine the case and wants to hear from the friends mentioned by the [trans woman]. "We need to identify these people who may also be at risk of death," he said.

He finds it difficult to believe that the victim to have applied the silicone alone and believes that others must have participated. If this hypothesis is proven, charges will be brought against those involved with the death of the [trans woman].

The victim's death was not recorded on the TDoR 2009 memorial lists released by Transgender Europe and in November 2009.,,MUL1008954-5605,00.html,,MUL1007898-5605,00-POLICIA+INVESTIGA+MORTE+DE+TRAVESTI+APOS+USO+DE+SILICONE+INDUSTRIAL.html [BROKEN LINK]

Report added: 8 Nov 2019. Last updated: 13 Nov 2019

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