Imaje Devereux "(Ms Jimmy")
Age 3414 Apr 2009
Fayetteville, North Carolina (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/14 Apr 2009/Image Devereux

The body of Jimmy McCollough (whose performance name was Imaje Devera) was found on Joseph Street behind the old Club Spektrum in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Fayetteville, NC – “Ms. Jimmy,” also known on stage as Imaje Devera was found stabbed to death outside Club Emages, a local gay and lesbian night spot around midnight on April 14, 2009. Jimmy McCollough, 34, was a talented female impersonator who struggled to make ends meet in the recession economy. Police are investigating the murder as a hate crime, but since North Carolina does not have hate crime legislation addressing LGBT hate crime violence, and neither does the federal government, resources to investigate and prosecute such a crime are slim in the Old North State.
Transgender community leader Janice Covington, wrote in response to Ms. Jimmy’s murder: “This morning, April 14, 2009, the murdered body of Image Devereux (Ms. Jimmy) was found on Joseph Street behind the old Club Spektrum in Fayetteville, N.C. She was a local Drag Queen who many of us knew as a friend. She will be missed but not forgotten. My prayers go out to her family.”