TDoR 2009 / 2009 / May / 06 / Diksy Jones

Diksy Jones

Age 64

6 May 2009
Upper Hutt, Wellington (New Zealand)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/6 May 2009/Diksy Jones

Diksy Jones

Diksy was a cabinet Maker. [She] was found dead in [her] apartment, with "severe injuries" according to police.

PROVOCATION DEFENCE WIPED - DIKSY JONES, 2009. Lower Hutt trans woman Diksy Jones died from blunt force trauma to the head after being bashed by David Shaun Galloway (then 18) and Phillip Christopher Sanders (then 42) in her Upper Hutt home in April 2009. In sentencing, Justice Robert Dobson said the younger man’s part in the "brutal and tragic" attack constituted a hate crime, as Galloway had stated ‘a transvestite did not deserve to live’ and that he ‘believed in Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve’.

The Dominion Post, 07.05.2009

Report added: 11 Nov 2018. Last updated: 24 Sep 2022

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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