Archie Avis Brooks
Age 4726 Jul 2009
Hattiesburg, Mississippi (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/26 Jul 2009/Archie Avis Brooks

Archie was a transgender man who was stabbed in the street in broad daylight. Their partner Devin Fortune, 28, was arrested for their murder.
HATTIESBURG — A man arrested and charged in the slaying of a transsexual told reporters that he stabbed the victim after they had an argument.
Devin Fortune, 28, appeared in Forrest County Justice Court today for his role in the stabbing death of Archie Avis Brooks, 47.
"I feel bad," Fortune told reporters. "I regret what I done. I made a mistake."
Bond for Fortune, who is charged with one count of murder, was set at $1 million during his initial court appearance. Fortune is being held at the Forrest County Jail.
Fortune subsequently died in custody.
Hattiesburg American, 05.08.2009 August 2009 [BROKEN LINK]