TDoR 2010 / 2010 / March / 30 / Monchina de Jesús Crisóstomo de León

Monchina de Jesús Crisóstomo de León

Age 26

30 Mar 2010
Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional (Dominican Republic)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/30 Mar 2010/Monchi de Jesús Crisóstomo de León

Monchina de Jesús Crisóstomo de León
Monchina de Jesús Crisóstomo de León [photo:]

Monchina was strangled with a sheet in a hotel room. Her killer was a 24 year-old client who said that he killed her in a fight that started after he realised that "she wasn’t a woman".

Yesterday, the Second Collegiate Court of the National District heard the second hearing of the substantive trial for the crime of [deadname] de Jesús Crisóstomo de León (La Monchina), a [trans woman] found strangled on March 29, 2010 in a room of the London restaurant, in Avenida San Martin in Santo Domingo.

For the crime of the 26-year-old [woman], who was engaged in [sex work] in the La Fe expansion, several blocks from the restaurant, Juan Bautista Herrera Vásquez is accused, who alleges that he believed that the victim was a woman. Dozens of homosexuals crowded yesterday the court presided over by Judge Sarah Veras, in the middle of the demand that justice be done. The case was adjourned to tomorrow Friday.

Shakira Reyes, the name by which the homosexual member of the Transsa entity identifies, said that the defendant cannot claim that he did not know La Monchina, because they have proof that they found three condoms that were used in the hotel room. She maintained that the accused was seen before with La Monchina.

Yolanda, the victim's mother, has a heart disease and depended on her [daughter].

"Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide" research project: Noticias Telemicros 30.03.2010 & El Nuevo dia, 12.05.2010

Report added: 2 Nov 2018. Last updated: 11 Mar 2024

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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