Dana A. Larkin ("Chanel")
Age 267 May 2010
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/7 May 2010/Dana A. ""Chanel"" Larkin
Dana was shot in the head after revealing her transgender status to a man she had just met.
Her murderer Andrew Olacirequi was arrested after returning to the crime scene to find his lost cell phone. He pled guilty to second degree reckless homicide.
Dana is described by Brenda Coley, a friend, as someone who "deeply cared about her community and was very authentic. She loved her family dearly and they accepted her for who she is. She was a delightful person with a sophisticated sense of humor and there are things she knew she could have taught us. Our lives would have been better because of it."
Unfortunately, coverage on Dana's death used many incorrect stereotypes and terminology about transgender people, and advocated the problematic 'transgender panic' defense, while blaming Dana for her own murder.
"Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide" research project: Edge Boston, 20.05.2010