Taira dos Santos
Age 2023 May 2010
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/23 May 2010/Taira (José D B dos Santos Júnior)
Taira died as a result of a severe blow to her head after a fight. Her body was then burned by the killer.
Leonardo Loeser de Oliveira, 27, a law student and Jiu-Jitsu fighter was arrested. He was said to have been under the influence of crack.
According to her mother, Telma Santos, 46, Taira left Itabuna nine months ago to live in Belo Horizonte. Two months ago, however, she was robbed in the city of Minas Gerais and decided to move to Rio de Janeiro.
Telma reported that Taira was discriminated against in Itabuna, and only dressed as a woman away from home, at parties and events. When she came to the Southeast, she did not hide the fact that she was doing sex work from her mother.
"Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide" research project: ASTRA Rio & O Globo, 23.05.2010; Extra Online, 25.05.2010
http://cenag.terra.com.br/noticias_ler.php?id=MjM3MA== [BROKEN LINK]