Mónica Elizondo
Age 3520 May 2011
Mejicanos, San Salvador (El Salvador)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/21 May 2011/Monica (Javier Ernesto) Elizondo

Mónica was shot while riding on a bus by MS-13 gang members.
She was a close friend of Camila Díaz Córdova, who died after being beaten by police officers on 30th January 2019.
Her friend Mónica, 35, wanted the same. They had already threatened her and shot her house. Monica decided to leave the house in the Montreal neighborhood. On May 20, 2011 she returned to the house, wanting to clean and check that it was in order. She was killed while travelling inside Route 47. According to police accounts, alleged gang members of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), the same ones who had threatened her, shot her several times.
TvT partner organization TV Mex - Travestis Mexico, Summary 2011; Prensa Libre, online portal, 24.5.2011