Luana de Oliveira Batista
Age 258 Sep 2011
Rondonopolis, Mato Grosso (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/8-Sep-2011/Luana (Wagner) de Oliveira Batista

Luana's body was found on a construction site with a wound to her neck and signs of strangulation.
A [trans woman] identified as [deadname] de Oliveira Batista, 25, whose [social] name was Luana, was found strangled and with a severe wound to her neck this Thursday afternoon (8th) in the Jardim Morumbi neighborhood of Rondonópolis.
Police are investigating whether the [trans woman] was killed at the scene where she was found in a construction site.
The victim was found with hands tied behind her back and was possibly murdered last night.
‘Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide’ research project: Clique F 5, online portal, 9.09.2011; 24 Horas News, 9.09.2011