TDoR 2011 / 2011 / September / 20 / Brigeth Rivera Cuesta

Brigeth Rivera Cuesta

20 Sep 2011
Boca del Rio, Veracruz (Mexico)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Sep-2011/Brigitte

Brigeth Rivera Cuesta
Brigeth Rivera Cuesta [photo:]

Brigeth's body was reportedly one of 35 found in a pile in Boca del Río on 17th September. All had been beaten and asphixiated after being locked in a train container wagon. Their hands were also tied.

On 17th September local media, spread a rumour that Brigitte had been murdered inside her home, however the authorities never confirmed this and her body was found 3 days later thrown in front of a commercial plaza. Her murder shocked Veracruz society as it seemed to represent and symbolise the violence perpetrated by drug traffickers in the State of Veracruz.

They had killed her before. For some reason, her death had acquired obsession in Veracruz and Boca del Rio, where xhe had become a notoriety, perhaps even fame. With her miniskirt and transparent heels, she had achieved the status of a reference point for Buenos Aires nights.

From time to time, the rumor of her untimely passing had passed through the harbor, as if any blond hair found in unfortunate circumstances was hers: she was found dead in a ditch, in an apartment, in a car, in a luxury house...

Never, of course, was her death confirmed. Always the news about her death turned out, as Mark Twain would say, terribly exaggerated. "I found out because my mom came looking for me very scared," she said the last time she was sent three meters underground, just on Friday of last week, shortly before posting on her Metroflog profile, at the foot of a photo in which she appears in a jacuzzi, a single word: "mannequin".

Until now. It seems that the story finally reached Brigeth, the platinum blonde who worked for six years at the corner of Juan Pablo II and Costa Verde, sometimes in a hotel, sometimes in the leather seats of a red Mini Cooper. The lady who created a payment system for media interviews - one thousand pesos per hour - and who once threatened to publicize the list of her clients if the local police did not let her work the street in peace.

With the finding of 35 bodies on the roundabout of the Papantla flyerover came the revelation: Brigeth was in the pile. Or at least that's what a local official says.

More broadly, it has not been an ignored topic. The local media have dedicated paragraphs to speculate that, now, the blonde did not escape and lies in one of the plates of the Forensic Medical Service. Photographs of candles left by bystanders at his truck stop, his office, circulate in different veracruzanos portals.

Yesterday she was not at his place of work. It seemed then that the news of her death had reached her and that the blonde finally died at the fourth.

Or maybe not. And one of these nights the Red Mini Cooper will appear on the hill overlooking its street, rolling slowly until it reaches the corner so that a golden heel can descend from its open door.

Reforma publishes today that the murder of 35 people whose bodies appeared in Boca del Río on September 20 occurred with blows of sticks and pipes and asphyxiation after being locked in a train container wagon. The bodies had metal burns on their torso and legs because they were recharged in the container to be tied with plastic safety seals, which have a safety clasp.

According to sources close to the investigations of the case, which were consulted by Reforma, the manner in which they were murdered and the use of that type of ties do not correspond to the torture or homicide patterns of the narco groups that operate in the State of Veracruz The informants indicated that the plastic seals have been used by institutional security bodies and by Navy and Army personnel. "Those (precincts) only have them in the United States or are used by special forces from here: Navy or the Army," said the state source who had access to the first inquiries and asked to omit his name. The multiple murder occurred in a place known as Santa Fe, about 30 kilometers from the port of Veracruz.

The bodies also had traces of dirt, apparently for having been dragged to then put them in redilla vans, they refer the stagecoaches, and transport them to the Ruiz Cortines Boulevard in Boca del Río, where they were thrown on September 20 in the afternoon. The investigations, so far, have not resulted in any detention. "Those who did it are subjects who know how to hit, torture; trained people, "the sources said.

‘Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide’ research project: Terra, online portal, 21.09.2010

Report added: 1 Nov 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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