Tchesca Vieira Pinho
Age 2929 Sep 2012
Pirjuí, São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/29-Sep-2012/Tchesca (Francesco Felipe) Vieira Pinho
Tchesca was stabbed in the back. Her body was found in a building in the city centre early on Saturday 29th September.
Scheduled for today, at 10am is the trial of Damião de Farias Felix, accused by the prosecutor (MP) of murdering with a stab in the back, in September 2012, in Pirajuí, [deadname] Vieira Pinho, who was a [trans woman] and known as 'Tchesca'. Felix was a fugitive for about a year, but was arrested by the Civil Police in November 2013 in Pernambuco.
Tchesca, then 25, was found dead in a building on rua Rachid Cury in the center of Pirajuí at dawn on September 29, 2012. She had lung-piercing from a knife strike. According to the complaint offered by the MP, moments earlier, a witness saw Damião engage in a program with the [trans woman] in a bar in the Center. The two would have left the site around 1am and followed to the property under construction. According to the complaint, on the spot, for unknown reasons, the perpetrator reportedly struck a knife in the victim's back. The victim had acute internal bleeding and died soon after. Before fleeing, Damian covered Tchesca's body with pieces of plastic.
After the crime, he fled the city. Investigations conducted by the Pirajuí Civil Police revealed that, after being hidden for a few days at the relatives' residence in Dois Córregos, the perpetrator took the bus to the state of Pernambuco. In September 2013, the court received the complaint against the accused and ordered his custody. On November 1, he was arrested by civil police in Caetés, Pernambuco.
At the beginning of last year, Damião's defense called for the revocation of his remand, which was denied. In January of this year, he was pronounced by the court for qualified murder, committed treason, by ambush or by means of appeal that made the defense of the victim impossible. The popular jury was scheduled for today at 10am. The penalty, if convicted, ranges from 12 to 30 years in prison.
TvT project: Rede Bom Dia, online portal, 29.09.2012; Quem a Homofobia Matou Hoje?, online portal, 29.09.2012 [BROKEN LINK] [BROKEN LINK]