Janette Tovar
Age 4315 Oct 2012
Dallas, Texas (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-Oct-2012/Janette Tovar
Janette was beaten to death by her abusive partner.
Janette Tovar died on Oct. 15, 2012, at the age of 43. Her boyfriend, Jonathan Stuart Kenney, 27, allegedly assaulted her.
Witnesses saw the couple fighting early in the morning in the 800 block of West Davis Street in Oak Cliff. Kenney allegedly slammed Tovar’s head against concrete. After they returned to their home in the 900 block of W. Eighth Street, three blocks away, he allegedly continued to assault her. Hours later, Kenney found her unresponsive and called 911.
Kenney provided a statement to the police admitting that he slammed Tovar’s head into the concrete and continued assaulting her at home. Although Kenney was originally arrested on murder charges, the charges were lowered to assault because prosecutors did not feel they had the evidence to prove murder. Kenney has a court date set for Jan. 22.
Before her death, Tovar told friends about the violence at home. Friends said they had seen the couple argue, but had not witnessed violence. Others said they didn’t want to get involved in a murder. One, who was with the couple the night before the assault, was engaged and not supposed to be out that night. She was worried about her own relationship and declined to answer questions. So rather than get involved, people let someone who allegedly killed their friend get away with murder.
Subsequently Kenny was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Originally, Kenney was charged with first degree murder. In a deal, he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, also a first degree felony, in exchange for probation. If he violates his probation, he could be sent to prison for life. If he doesn’t happen to kill anyone else or violate his parole, Kenney avoids a conviction on his record.
During the sentencing, Tovar’s mother took the stand. She said through a translator that she didn’t think 10 years probation was justice. Then she began crying and yelled at Kenney in Spanish, but didn’t wait for the translator.
TvT project: Dallas Voice 26.10.2012 & 31.10.2012; Planet Transgender 28.10.2012