Name Unknown
Age 3317 Oct 2012
São Vicente, São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Oct-2012/N.N.

The victim was shot by the occupant of a vehicle which pulled up near her while she was working.
A [trans woman] was murdered in São Vicente , on the coast of São Paulo, at dawn on Wednesday (17). The crime took place on rua Caramuru, near a region known as Old Aviation. According to the Military Police, the place is well known as a point of prostitution for [trans womwn] and also for the use and trafficking of drugs.
According to the police, people at the scene saw a yellow car passing by. The vehicle stopped near the [trans woman] and several shots were heard shortly thereafter. Police were called to the scene and found the body with gunshot wounds in the head region. The victim was 33 years old and according to a friend was a drug user.
TvT project: Noticias R7, online portal, 10.10.2012