Raissa Quevedo da Fonseca
Age 3231 Dec 2012
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
Not reported
TDoR list ref: tgeu/31-Dec-2012/Raissa (Edivaldo) Quevedo da Fonseca
Raíssa's body was found under an overpass. The cause of her death was not reported, but drug paraphernalia was found at the scene.
A 32-year-old [trans woman] was found dead on Monday, under an overpass located in the Aero Rancho neighborhood in Campo Grande. Edivaldo Quevedo da Fonseca was known in the region as 'Raíssa' and was a drug user.
The police were called early yesterday evening and the body was already rigid, indicating that the transvestite had been dead for at least five hours, the expert said.
Plastic packages were collected at the site, which are generally used for the use of drugs, in addition to medicines.
TvT project: Campo Grande News, 01.01.2013
http://www.midiamax.com/noticias/831628-corpo+travesti+encontrado+embaixo+viaduto+campo+grande.html [BROKEN LINK]
https://aquidauananews.com/0,0,00,8775-217175-CORPO+DE+TRAVESTI+ENCONTRADO+EMBAIXO+DE+VIADUTO+EM+BAIRRO+DE+CG.htm [BROKEN LINK]
https://correiodoestado.com.br//noticias/policia-investiga-morte-de-travesti-encontrado-debaixo-de-po_170512 [BROKEN LINK]