Michelle dos Santos
Age 2216 Aug 2013
Parnaiba, Piauí (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/16-Aug-2013/Michelle dos Santos
Michelle was shot in the chest by a client in the Rodoviário neighborhood. Witnesses reported hearing two shots and then seeing a black car speed away from the scene.
Her killer was a client who refused to pay her.
Michelle ran a program with the accused for R $ 50, but afterwards, the customer paid only R $ 10. When she asked for the money, the man tried to leave. She took his car key and while they were arguing, picked up a stone and broke his car window.
Furious, the man left, then returned in another car and circled the block. After finding Michelle, he called her, fired a bullet into her left breast and drove away. She screamed and died at around 02:00 p.m. on Piauí Street, next to a motel and the corner where trans women make point.
TvT partner organization Grupo Gay da Bahia & Noticias de Parnaiba, 16.08.2013