Hilary Molina Mendiola
Age 3523 Sep 2013
Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/23-Sep-2013/NN & tdor.info/23-Sep-2013/Hilary Molina Mendiola
Hilary was thrown naked from a bridge. She died at the scene.
Mexico City.- A naked [trans woman] died after being thrown from the vehicular bridge of the Inner Circuit, about 12 meters high, towards Axis 2 South Juan Escutia, in the Cuauhtémoc Delegation.
According to a motorist who passed through the site, at around 7:30 am, at least two people were thrown from the vehicular bridge, a transsexual about 35 years old. Apparently, the [victim] was taken from a vehicle before being thrown.
The woman requested help from the Police to help the [trans woman] who, she said, had received blows to the face.
By 9:30, the Police had closed one of the sides of the Interior Circuit, waiting for the experts of the Attorney General's Office to carry out the removal of the body. The crew of the P2407 patrol of the SSPDF came to the place and moments later paramedics arrived from the ambulance 10 of the Red Cross, who certified the death.
TvT partner organization Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans: noticias.terra.com.mx 23.09.2013