W. Marques de Souza
Age 3218 Oct 2013
Manaus, Amazonas (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/18-Oct-2013/(Welyson) Marques de Souza

The victim's body was found near a church at a site frequented by sex workers. She had been stabbed 8 times.
An as yet unidentified [trans woman] was found dead late Friday afternoon by the caretaker of a site belonging to an Evangelical Church, located near Avenida Grande Circular, East Zone of Manaus.
The body had a large knife blow to the jugular vein and was found in a wooded area, which according to investigators at the Specialized Homicide and Kidnapping Police Station (Dhes) just off the grounds of a church, is known to be a hot spot. encounter between [trans women] and their clients.
"We believe she tried to fight the perpetrator, as she also had cuts to her hands," said one investigator who declined to be named.
The victim appeared to be between 28 and 30 years old. Professionals of the Civil Police forensics believe that the interval between the time of death and the finding of the body was eight hours. Police found a small portion of alleged cocaine and $110I ibside the bra worn by the [trans woman], which may be evidence that the victim was performing beyond sexual program the sale of narcotics.
TvT partner organization Grupo Gay da Bahia & O Globo 19.10.2013 & A Critica 24.10.2013