Adriana Aquino do Nascimento
Age 169 Nov 2014
Rio Branco, Acre (Brazil)
Beaten and shot
TDoR list ref: tgeu/8-Nov-2014/Adriana Aquino do Nascimento

Adriana was found dead on the BR-364 in Rio Branco on Sunday 9th November. She had been beaten around the face and shot.
The last time she was seen alive was on Thursday 6th November when she was seen getting into a white car.
Her sister said that a month ago she had been beaten.
Cleiciane Aquino do Nascimento, 20, said the family learned of her death on Monday (10) by an acquaintance who lives in the capital. "She said she was using drugs and drinking a lot. I did reconnaissance of her body for a picture."
According to her sister, the young woman lived with the president of the Association of Transvestites of the Acre (Atrac), RaĆssa Rios, 37, who died of the collapse of the slab of her house on September 30. After the accident, Adriana was without fixed housing and received help from a friend of the family, native of Cruzeiro do Sul, who lives in the capital.
"We knew she was not well. Every time she talked to my mother, she cried. About a month ago, we learned that she had been beaten. An acquaintance told us that she was all purple, full of marks", reports Cleiciane.
William's sister says that after learning that her psister] had been beaten, her mother contacted her and asked her to go home. "She said the last news we would have was that she was going to kill herself," her sister recalls.
Adriana was from Cruzeiro do Sul and had lived in Rio Branco for a year and eight months. She had transitioned in 2009 while she was only 11 years old.
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