TDoR 2015 / 2015 / February / 07 / Pata Silva Costa

Pata Silva Costa

Age 35

7 Feb 2015
Macapa, Amapá (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/7-Feb-2015/Pata Silva Costa

Pata Silva Costa
Pata Silva Costa [photo:]

Pata's body was found on Sunday 7th February in the Cuban community of Asphalt, New Buritizal, Macapá. She had been strangled.

[Pata] lived alone in a room rented in a wooden house. He was from Bethlehem (PA) and had no relatives in Macapá. In order to support herself she did small domestic services, such as washing clothes and cleaning, and was quite loved in the community. Many people cried when they saw her body being removed by the Technical Police from inside the room.

Neighbors told police that around 4:30 a.m., someone had knocked on [Pata's] door. She opened it and seemed to know the person. There was silence for about half an hour, when there was a voice as if someone was in pain, followed by silence. The neighbors did not realise what was really happening.

Around 11:30 a person from the house passed in front of [Pata's] room and saw the door ajar. They opened it and saw her body lying on the floor. Police did not report any objects missing from the room.

Police are looking for a suspect who is thought to be a boyfriend.

TvT partner organization Grupo Gay da Bahia & Seles Nafes 07.02.2015

Report added: 31 Oct 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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