TDoR 2015 / 2015 / March / 22 / Adriana da Silva Martins

Adriana da Silva Martins

Age 24

22 Mar 2015
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/22-Mar-2015/Adriana da Silva Martins

Adriana da Silva Martins

Adriana was shot by two men on a motorcycle while leaving a friend's house.

A 22-year-old* [trans woman] died after being shot twice on Sunday afternoon (22) in the Morada Verde neighborhood, north of Campo Grande . At G1 , the on-duty delegate of the Depac Community Center, João Eduardo Davanco, said the victim was leaving a friend's house when she was shot.

Two men were on a motorcycle on Tesourinha Street when the driver shot at her three times. Two shots hit the [trans woman] in the abdomen and back, according to police.

* One source below says she was 22, and another 24. The official TGEU TDoR list states the latter.

TvT partner organization Grupo Gay da Bahia & Campo Grande News 22.03.2015

Report added: 31 Oct 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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