TDoR 2015 / 2015 / May / 15 / La Monique de Roma

La Monique de Roma

Age 43

15 May 2015
São Paulo (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-May-2015/La Monique de Roma

La Monique de Roma

La Monique was shot dead in the west of the city on the morning of 15th May.

São Paulo - The Municipal Secretariat of Human Rights and Citizenship of São Paulo released earlier this afternoon (15) a note declaring itself in mourning for the death of one of the participants of the Transcidadania Program , a social reintegration project launched three months ago by the City Hall . The 43-year-old [trans woman] La Monique de Roma was shot and killed yesterday morning in the Jockey Club region of Butantã, west of the city. According to the city, it was a case of murder.

“La Monique is another victim of a context of high vulnerability. Like her, many [trans women] live by sex work, one of the few alternatives they find for their subsistence, as the prejudice for their gender identities impacts their daily lives in the most diverse dimensions, and especially in the opportunities for offered to them ”, says the secretary. “ We emphasize La Monique's dedication and commitment to the activities of the Transcidadania Program, at which time she resumed her studies after 15 years away from the classroom. The struggle for the recovery of her dignity as a [trans woman] citizen will always be a constituent part of her career. ”

Developed through a partnership between the Departments of Human Rights and Development, Labor and Entrepreneurship, Transcidadania is entitled to a scholarship for those who fulfill a 30-hour weekday that includes school and vocational training. In the first stage, the goal is to serve 100 [trans women] in socially vulnerable situations.

Deputy Secretary of Human Rights and Citizenship, Rogério Sottili, in a text published on the social network Facebook, also regretted the episode. “ From living with some beneficiaries, when I met La Monique de Roma, she told me that she had greatly reduced sex work activity with the financial aid that the program gives, which allowed her to devote more time to study and training. I deeply regret her death, but know that the appreciation of the LGBT citizenship we are promoting in the city will not let her death be in vain. We work tirelessly until we no longer have [trans] victims of a context of high vulnerability and social prejudice for their gender identity. ”

TvT partner organization Grupo Gay da Bahia & Rede Brasil Atual 15.05.2015

Report added: 31 Oct 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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