TDoR 2015 / 2015 / June / 24 / Name Unknown

Name Unknown

24 Jun 2015
Chihuahua (Mexico)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/24-Jun-2015/NN

Name Unknown

The victim was shot 4 times in the head in Granjas del Valle. A stick had been placed between her tied hands and the upper part of her body wrapped in a Mexican flag.

According to Mercedes Fernández, leader of the LGBTTTI movement and based on information given to them by the Prosecutor's Office, the victim had a woman's outfit, but when they examined her to perform the necropsy, they realized that he was trans.

With that information they concluded that it is a hate crime. "Her killers changed her work shoes so that she would go to heaven as he arrived, as a man; they destroyed her physical features as a sign of rejection of the change of identity, "explained the local PRD deputy Hortensia Aragón Castillo.

"The stick is meant to say 'I have no sexual interest in you,' and they shot him four times in the head to make it look like it was organized crime or another cause," said the legislator.

The element of the national flag is even more worrying, because it occurs precisely in the context of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) decided in favor of equal marriages and that radical groups have gone against this determination.

Mercedes Fernández added: "We found out on Monday that they left the body, we went to the Prosecutor's Office, and the prosecutor tells us that he is a man who was dressed as a woman, he does not know how to use the correct terms. We asked him if there were already signs of the person's transformation, implants or some sign, and he told us that they thought they were a woman, but when they stripped her of her clothes to do the necropsy, they realized that he was a man."

TvT partner organization: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans 24.06.2015

Report added: 31 Oct 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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