TDoR 2015 / 2015 / September / 12 / Waleska Rayala

Waleska Rayala

Age 24

12 Sep 2015
Pendencias, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/12-Sep-2015/Waleska Rayala

Waleska Rayala
Waleska Rayala [photo:]

Waleska was stabbed 27 times by a 17 year-old boy on 2nd September. She died in hospital 10 days later.

Waleska loved to dance and was part of the jungle band Explosão Potiguar, was also a futsal player.

The president of Junina Explosão Potiguar, Marron Junior, expressed deep regret for the death of [Waleska], "The cultural association is in mourning, we lost great dancer in São João. Her family in Explosão Potiguar will miss you as you were and always will be important for this family. I'm remembering how our presentations will be in the festivals, and look at the court and see you not giving that show like only you knew how."

TvT partner organization Grupo Gay da Bahia & Altonoticias 13.09.2015 & Difusorajucurutu 14.09.2015

Report added: 31 Oct 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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