Chanel Siqueiros
Age 2420 Dec 2015
Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)

Chanel died by suicide after being the victim of transphobic bullying.
The young woman, barely 24 years old, had suffered transphobic bullying from transgender partners and gay men from her LGBT community, which led her to death by suicide this past December 20, according to close sources consulted by the activist blog Trans Pride. He announced this unfortunate news.
As Trans Pride says:
"Year after year transgender people, transsexuals or transvestites from all over the world end their lives because of hatred and rejection of society, in most cases of society in general but in some others that rejection comes from the same 'LGBT community' for not 'complying' with the stereotypes dictated by a normative society.
"Chanel was a victim of ignorance, of despair and loneliness and that is why projects like Trans Pride must reach more people in this situation because we believe that together and together we can end this.
"Transgender and transsexual women do not have to suffer this type of violence (regardless of who comes from), trans women do not have to force us to 'comply' with the stereotypes dictated by society. Our physicist does not determine the level of our femininity, transgender women are women independently of our characteristics and nobody has to violate us and hurt us by telling us otherwise.
"Chanel's case is not a suicide, but a SOCIAL ASSASSINATION."
Her death was not recorded on the official TDoR 2016 list. [BROKEN LINK]