Márcia Cabrita
Age 3817 Jan 2016
Senhor do Bonfim, Bahia (Brazil)
Not reported
TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Jan-2016/Marcia Cabrita

Márcia was found by her partner laying in bed. The cause of her death is unknown.
She was found dead in her bed in the residential Cidade Nova I, Márcia Cabrita, resident in Cidade Nova I, block 6, house 14, in Senhor do Bonfim. According to witnesses last night Marcia Cabrita had been drinking the previous night. She also had a health problem she had been undergoing treatment for. Apparently there are no signs of violence.
In 2001 Márcia had founded a carnival group in the city.
TvT partner organisation Grupo Gay da Bahia & Portal Jaguarari, 17.01.2016