Michelly Fernandes
Age 3025 Jan 2016
Macaé, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/25-Jan-2016/Michelly Fernandes

Michelly was shot eight times while just a few meters from Macaé police station.
A [trans woman] was murdered a few meters from Macaé police station in a barbaric crime in another act of gratuitous violence in the interior of the state. On the eve of a meeting with the military police command on public protection policies for the LGBT community, a [trans woman] named Michele was murdered at one of the city's most frequented [spots for trans sex workers], Verissimo de Mello Square.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Facebook, 25.01.2016
http://www.paparazzomacae.com.br/?p=6763 [BROKEN LINK]