C. Moreira Batista Neves
Age 2521 Feb 2016
Campina da Lagoa, Paraná (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/21-Feb-2016/C. Moreira Batista Neves

C. was stabbed by a man who had hurled unprovoked transphobic insults at her.
A 25-year-old trans [woman] was stabbed to death in Campina da Lagoa, Midwestern Paraná, in a transphobic attack when a man, unprovoked, began insulting her by calling her 'traveco' and used other profanities. The killer them stabbed the victim in the leg and chest.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Portal Ovale, 21.02.2016
http://maistoledo.com.br/travesti-morre-esfaqueada-e-suspeita-e-de-motivacao-homofobica/ [BROKEN LINK]