Age 3724 Feb 2016
Curitiba, Paraná (Brazil)
Beaten and burned
TDoR list ref: tgeu/24-Feb-2016/Natascha

Natascha died after two months in hospital. On 27th December 2015, she had been beaten, had gasoline poured over her, and set on fire while on Rua Victor Ferreira do Amaral.
Before she died she told police that a former client was responsible.
At dawn on the 27th, the Evangelical Hospital of Curitiba registered the admission of a [trans woman] who had suffered an attempted murder while being between Paulo Kissula and Avenida Vitor Ferreira do Amaral, in the Capão da Imbuia neighborhood. The victim, who is about 36 to 37 years old, had no personal documentation and reported that she was attacked by only one man, who threw gasoline and set her body on fire.
Rafaelly Wiest, president of Transgroup Marcela Prado, says he visited Natasha on Tuesday morning and that the signs of violence are heartbreaking. Natasha is still hospitalized and even after surgery is in danger of dying. The case is serious and she needs constant monitoring, dressing changes happen frequently and need to be done in the operating room, with anesthesia usually in a sterile environment. The victim has part of the face, arms and breasts burned, with injuries of 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Gazeta do Povo, 24.02.2016