M. Moreira
Age 1620 Mar 2016
Sinop, Mato Grosso (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/20-Mar-2016/M. Moreira

M.'s body found on waste ground near a nightclub where she had gone the night before. She had been killed by a blow to the head with a piece of wood.
A 16-year-old homosexual teenager was found dead on Sunday in the Vitória Régia neighborhood in Sinop , 503 km from Cuiabá. According to the Military Police, the young [woman] wore women's clothes and had a women's bag. Inside was a wig. The body was found behind a building under construction in the neighborhood. Police were called by construction workers who arrived to work in the morning.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Reporter MT, 21.03.2016
http://sinop.portaldacidade.com/noticias/15167-sinop-adolescente-homossexual-e-encontrado-morto-com-sinais-de-espancamento [BROKEN LINK]
http://www.giromt.com/atualizado-homossexual-e-morto-a-pauladas-em-sinop/ [BROKEN LINK]
https://www.soinformacao.com.br/policia/homosexual-e-morto-com-pauladas-em-sinop.html [BROKEN LINK]
http://ns1.folhamax.com.br/policia/menor-homossexual-e-morto-a-pauladas-apos-sair-de-boate-em-mt/79957 [BROKEN LINK]
http://relay01.midianews.com.br/cotidiano/adolescente-gay-e-encontrado-morto-no-interior-de-mt/258448 [BROKEN LINK]