Gabriella Rodrigues
28 Mar 2016
Aparecida de Goiania, Goiás (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/28-Mar-2016/Gabriella Rodrigues

Gabriella was shot twice by two men on a motorcycle. She died at the scene.
A [trans woman] was shot dead on Monday night (28), in Goiás Street, in Nossa Senhora de Lourdes neighborhood, region of Aparecida de Goiânia motels. According to information from the Military Police (PM), the victim was on the street when two men on a motorcycle approached and shot twice. She died at the scene.
According to the PM, the two alleged perpetrators fled. According to the PM, as there were no eyewitnesses and no further information on the characteristics of the suspects, civilian police from the Homicide Investigation Group (GIH) are on the scene investigating the cause of the murder.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & O Parlamento, 29.03.2016