TDoR 2016 / 2016 / April / 10 / Shante Thompson

Shante Thompson

Age 34

10 Apr 2016
Houston, Texas (USA)
Beaten, stabbed and shot

TDoR list ref: tgeu/10-Apr-2016/Shante I. Thompson

Shante Thompson
Shante Thompson [photo:]

Shante and her friend Willie Sims were talking with each other when a group of men approached them and started to beat them with crowbars or tire irons.

After beating them, they were shot and left lying where they fell on the ground. Both died at the scene.

Thompson’s mother said that a group of men in the neighborhood had been confronting her daughter recently. “They kept picking on [her]” she said, “[Shante] was telling me that for a long time, they have been bothering [her] and bothering [her].” She said that losing her child is by far the greatest heartbreak she’s ever faced.

Late the same month Tariq Lackings, 23, was charged with capital murder in connection with the crime.

TvT project: Dallas Voice, 11.04.2016 & Houston Press, 21.04.2016

Report added: 18 Sep 2018. Last updated: 6 Dec 2022

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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