Luana Biersack
Age 1413 Apr 2016
Nota Itacolomi, Paraná (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/13-Apr-2016/Luana Biersack

Luana's body was found in a minicipal lake in Novo Itacolomi on 22nd April. She had been missing since 13th April.
According to a police witness she was seen with a group of teenagers on the day she went missing, and one of them confessed to having witnessed her murder. The police reported that at least one of them had sex with her before punching and kicking her. Her head was then held underwater until she drowned.
The boys of 17, two of 16 and one of 15, were seized after investigations and testimony from witnesses who claimed to have seen them along with the murdered teenager. Two of the boys confessed that they killed deadname], known as Luana Biersack.
The other two denied the crime, but said they witnessed the death of the victim. They further stated that they tried to stop and call the police, but were threatened.
According to police, the teenagers said they went out together, went to the lake where they drank and used drugs. They then had sex with the victim and then killed her.
The 14-year-old [trans woman] was killed with assault and drowning, according to the authors. After leaving [her] unconscious, the teenagers threw [her] body into the dam. According to the police the group will respond for the crimes of homicide and hiding of corpse.
One of her alleged killers Kaio Protzek died on 27th August 2018 of cardiorespiratory arrest while inside a cinema. The local police reported finding large quantities of cocaine in the venue.
Luana's Facebook profile is Prior to her disappearance, Luana left a post on her timeline stating that she was being threatened by someone.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Blasting News, 30.04.2016