W. Amorim Pires
Age 1710 May 2016
Manaus, Amazonas (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/10-May-2016/W. Amorim Pires

W. was taking drugs with a group of people when there was disagreement among them. One of the others hit W. in the head with a hammer.
The teenager [deadname] Amorim Pires, 17, was killed on the night of Tuesday (10) by being hammered on the head. The event occurred near rip-rap, in MossorĂ³ alley, PetrĂ³polis neighborhood, South Zone of Manaus.
According to the Civil Police, the victim was a [trans woman] and was consuming narcotics with a group of people when there was disagreement between them. One of the people involved hit [deadname]'s head with the hammer.
The Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) was called to help the victim, but the [victim] could not survive her injuries and died at the scene.
After committing the crime, the suspect fled the scene without being identified. The teenager's body was removed by the Forensic Medical Institute (IML), where she underwent necropsy examinations.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Em Tempo, 10.05.2016
http://d.emtempo.com.br/travesti-adolescente-e-assassinado-a-marteladas-em-petropolis/ [BROKEN LINK]
http://metropolitano.info/travesti-e-morto-a-martelada-enquanto-consumia-drogas/ [BROKEN LINK]