TDoR 2016 / 2016 / May / 14 / Jessica


Age 26

14 May 2016
Tulum, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
Beaten and stabbed

TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-May-2016/Jessica


Jessica was found dead on a sofa in her house by her friends. The previous night she had left a nightclub with a man.

TULUM, MX.- Friends of a [trans woman] known as 'Jessica' found her dead yesterday at dawn on a sofa in her house, after she left a nightclub with a stranger.

Yesterday at 5:04 in the morning, two [trans women] requested the support of an ambulance on Polar Oriente Street between Alfa and Osiris Norte, as one person was injured and bloodied. The Red Cross paramedics arrived at the scene, who attended the 26-year-old JGR, who was bloodied on a sofa and with visible puncture wounds on various parts of her body.

As she no longer had vital signs they reported to the ministerial authorities as a possible murder case. At 6 o'clock in the morning, elements of the Public Prosecutor's Office and experts arrived, who began to work on the investigations and opened the preliminary investigation 156/2016 for the crime of homicide in tort of JGR, who was originally from Huimanguillo, Tabasco.

Her friends told the police that at 3 o'clock in the morning Jessica came out of a nightclub in the company of an older man and told them that she would go home and them comeo back with them, but that by 5am she had not done so. They found this strange, so they decided to go to her house. When they arrived they found the [murder] scene and called the emergency services.

TvT partner organisation Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans & Canal Matrix, 17.05.2016

Report added: 18 Sep 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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