Michele de Souza
Age 1915 May 2016
São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/11-May-2016/Michele de Souza

Michele was shot several times by two men on a motorcycle. She died in hospital four days later on 15th May.
[deadname] Souza de Souza, known as the [trans woman] Michele, was shot with six shots in the Paraíso garden in the northern region of Rio Preto. Civil Police are investigating the crime as possibly being related to transphobia.
The [trans woman] died on Sunday afternoon, after four days in the Rio Preto HB [Hospital]. She was shot in front of a motel at dawn on Wednesday, the 11th, in a location known as a point of prostitution. According to information from the Military Police, two men passed on motorcycles and shot the victim several times. Seven shots hit her in the chest, abdomen, arm, and leg.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Gazeta de Rio Preto, 15.05.2016
https://www.recordtvriopreto.com.br/noticia/27624/morre-travesti-que-foi-baleada-em-rio-preto.html [BROKEN LINK]