Litzy Odalis Parrales
Age 3020 May 2016
Santiago (Chile)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/20-May-2016/Litzy Odalis Parrales

Litzy was stabbed at least three times after having an argument with a man.
OTD Chile regret and repudiate the terrible murder of Litzi Odalis Parrales, a trans woman who was brutally stabbed last Friday morning, May 20, in the heart of Santiago, being stabbed three times in the neck, hip and buttock.
Odalis was not only murdered for being trans, but also for being a migrant. Situation that puts sex workers in a situation of greater vulnerability, being exposed to being exploited by mafias, territorial groups and the Chilean people themselves, which contributes to the job insecurity of migrants, through the delivery of work in precarious conditions or simply denying them the opportunity to work.
Dedicating yourself to the sex trade should be a choice, not a social imposition derived from a situation of social vulnerability that the system imposes. Unfortunately, the crime coincides with the week in which the International Day Against Homo-Lesbo-Transphobia is commemorated and, also, it took place in Latin America, a part of the world where the most trans people have been and are murdered today.
In September 2017 Marcos Arenas Fariña was sentenced to 11 years in prison for her murder.
The taxi driver Marcos Arenas Fariña, who on May 20, 2016 stabbed the transsexual woman Litzi Odalis Parrales in Santa Rosa with Avenida Matta, in the center of Santiago. was sentenced to 11 years in prison.
The prosecutor of the Central North area, Mariela Cid, described how the victim and the taxi driver stopped at that location, but minutes later the subject returned to the vehicle from where "he took out a knife approximately 20 centimeters in length with which he attacked and injured the victim." in the neck area
The subject then fled. The woman, who was of Ecuadorian nationality, walked several blocks until she fainted and lost her life minutes later. According to the autopsy carried out by the Legal Medical Service (SML) of the Metropolitan region, the woman was affected by anemia.
TvT partner organisation Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans & Publimetro, 20.05.2016