TDoR 2016 / 2016 / June / 25 / Danyelly Barby

Danyelly Barby

Age 24

25 Jun 2016
Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/26-Jun-2016/Danyelly Barby

Danyelly Barby
Danyelly Barby [photo:]

Danielly was shot dead leaving a hotel. Military police officer George Silva, 29, was arrested for her murder after he was identified in CCTV footage entering the hotel with Danielly shortly beforehand.

According to the footage, he left the scene 10 minutes later and waited for her on the corner of Princesa Isabel de Bragança and Coronel Souza Franco streets. When Danielly left, he then shot her in the head.

In his social network profile George had posted against the 'gender ideology', a term created by fundamentalists to complain about the existence of trans identities. It also shows him to support political candidates known for transphobic and conservative speech.

Mogi das Cruzes Homicide Police officers arrested on Wednesday a military police officer suspected of killing the 24-year-old transvestite Danielly Barby in June this year. Although he was indicted for murder, the arrest occurred because restricted use ammunition was found at his home in Mogi. According to police, there is still no arrest warranted for the murder.

According to police, the suspect works in Sao Paulo and was identified as the man who walked into a hotel with Danielly Barby on June 25. Police have not yet disclosed the name of the suspect.

The victim was killed while leaving the hotel, on the corner of Princesa Isabel de Bragança and Colonel de Souza Franco streets.

Silva is due to go to trial in March 2020.

TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & G1 Mogi das Cruzes 26.06.2016

Report added: 18 Sep 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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