Tiffany Rodrigues
Age 238 Aug 2016
Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/12-Aug-2016/Tiffany Rodrigues

Tiffany was killed in the early hours of 8th August. Her semi naked body was found by Military Police in front of a farm gate in the municipality of Alta Floresta.
She had head injuries (possibly caused by a blunt instrument) and burns, indicating that she may have been tortured by her killer.
Beside her body there were several condoms, indicating that she may have been killed by a client or been raped before being murdered.
Tiffany had previously been the victim of a homicide attempt on 3rd January, when she suffered a gunshot wound to the face.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & G1 Mato Grosso, 08.08.2016