TDoR 2016 / 2016 / August / 17 / Oriana Nicoll Martinez Otero

Oriana Nicoll Martinez Otero

Age 32

17 Aug 2016
Riohacha, La Guajira (Colombia)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Aug-2016/Oriana Nicoll Martinez Otero

Oriana Nicoll Martinez Otero
Oriana Nicoll Martinez Otero [photo:]

Oriana's body was found in a room within the Hotel Vivi de Riohacha on the outskirts of Guajira. She had beating and knife wounds, and her body was wrapped on a sheet.

Fillín López Padilla, leader of the gay community of Sucre, and who was a personal friend of Oriana, said that since her beginnings as a trans girl he was with her supporting her throughout her process, "She always stood out for her leadership and defense of the rights of your community. The Sucre Diversa Foundation and Sucre Alternativa are saddened by her murder," said López.

He also recalled that about six years ago Oriana was the first trans girl to be married in Sucre, marrying a Spanish citizen.

The Caribe Afirmativo Foundation, which represents the LGBTI population on the Atlantic Coast, also condemned her murder and recalled that during her life Oriana had been a victim of armed conflict when a paramilitary group became angry with several trans women who engaged in sex work in El Maizal in Sincelejo.

The foundation also recalled that the trans leader was the victim, last year, of a police attack when in Sincelejo a Sijín official shot her.

TvT partner organisation Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans & La Jornada Caribe, 18.08.2016

Report added: 18 Sep 2018. Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

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