T. T. Saffore
Age 2711 Sep 2016
Chicago, llinois (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/11-Sep-2016/T. T. Saffore

T. T. was found dead in Chicago's Garfield Park on the night of Sunday 11th September. Her throat had been cut and there was a knife nearby.
Saffore is the 20th reported transgender person who was killed in the United States in 2016. In August, two transgender women were found dead — Skye Mockabee and Rae'Lynn Thomas.
"People don't know what we go through out here," Armstrong said. "They don't see the struggle being transgender on [Chicago's] West Side. It's crazy. I just want justice for my friend. Trans lives matter. She is the third person killed around here and there is nothing done about it."
TvT project: The Advocate & Windy City Times, 13.09.2016