Age 3115 Sep 2016
São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-Sep-2016/Larissa

Larissa was shot in the abdomen and thrown from a car. She died in hospital.
Dealing with murders is not for anyone. But there is a big difference between seeing a dead person and a dying person.
And that's what happened in front of a dozen people around 8:00 p.m. on Thursday (15), in General Jardim street, central region of São Paulo, witnessing a trans woman shot on the sidewalk with a bullet mark on the abdomen, from which flowed a thread of blood that flowed into the ditch.
Shots were heard. Two blocks away, a car and a few police officers were standing. But the sound did not get there. Around the body, about five people. One young man reported that he saw the victim being thrown out of a gray, gray Fox model car. In fright, he ran, along with a lady. On her return, Larissa lay alternating the movement of her breast between weak sighs and others that were like trying to get back to life.
When her chest did not move for a long time, the people next to her chanted her name and pleaded, "Larissa, breathe." And she responded with a deep sigh, but clearly the result of a massive effort.
Police. Firemen. Curious. Larissa.
A friend asked to pick up her phone and, according to her, to call her mother. The officer denies the request. The victim needs to breathe.
The area is secluded. Rescuers insist on cardiac massage and begin to apply some medicine in the region of the shot. Larissa's belly becomes swollen and continues to move in a superhuman movement, because of the pressure on the rib cage.
She will be rescued. A relief, for now. She's alive.
The girl was taken to the Hospital das Clínicas. To R7 , the hospital's press office reports that Larissa died at dawn on Friday (16). She succumbed to the violence to which her body was exposed. In the streets, as a trans woman, the victim was exposed daily to all kinds of violence, which only those who live in and on the streets know.
Larissa was the social name of a young trans woman who was born in Passos (MG). At 31 years of age and only a full first degree, the trans woman circulated through the downtown streets and made her hair in a salon in the area. There, a block from where she died.
Finding the culprit will not be easy. No one say the car numberplate. One resident of the fateful street commented that most of the security cameras in the area where Larissa was shot do not work.
The victim who was "nothing," became a statistic in a country that reeks of violence against transgender women while pornographic videos with this category are preferred among Brazilians. Something of a questionable logic.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil &, 15.09.2016 [BROKEN LINK]